Glaucoma – The Silent Thief Of Sight

For many of us, visiting our eye doctor is usually prompted by a noticeable change in our vision or a change in the physical appearance of our eyes. Simply put, if we cannot see something wrong with our eyes, we don’t feel a need to have regular eye exams.

What if we told you though, that the second leading cause of blindness in the United States, Glaucoma, goes completely unnoticed in most patients until they begin to lose vision? What if we told you that with regular eye exams, and new testing, Glaucoma can be detected and treated before vision loss begins?

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma refers to a series of conditions that eventually lead to the damaging of your optic nerve, which is the connection between your eyes and your brain. In most cases, this damage to the optic nerve occurs due to increased pressure in your eye(s).

Although there are different types of Glaucoma, all eventually can lead to blindness if left untreated. Various treatments do exist, depending on the type and severity of your Glaucoma. The treatments attempt to lower the pressure on the optic nerve and most patients can be treated with daily eye drops. In other cases, medication may be prescribed, and in severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

Some Symptoms of Glaucoma

No symptoms until a loss of vision begins
Loss of peripheral vision
Sudden, severe pain in one eye
Cloudy vision
Rainbow halos around lights
Eyes feeling swollen
Sensitivity to light
Red eye

Regular exams and early diagnosis are your best defense against vision loss due to Glaucoma. If you are over 40 years of age, you should have an eye exam at least every 5 years. If you have a family history of Glaucoma, you should consider more frequent regular exams.

During your complete eye exam, we dilate your pupils, allowing us to look closely at the inside of your eyes for signs of Glaucoma. These simple regular exams are a key component to preventing vision loss from Glaucoma.

In our office, we also utilize the latest technology in diagnosing Glaucoma. A new test know as GDx. This new technology allows us to accurately examine your optic nerve using laser technology that is completely painless.  The test also requires no dilating of your pupils.

Although Glaucoma cannot be prevented, vision loss can! If you have a history of Glaucoma in your family, are experiencing any type of vision loss, or simply have not had an eye exam in awhile, please call today to schedule an appointment. A short visit can make a world of difference for you today, and tomorrow.

If you have not had an eye exam recently, visit to make an appointment.  Your eye health is important to us!


324 E. Roosevelt Rd, Wheaton, IL 60187

Mon: 10:00am-7:00pm
Tue-Thu: 10:00am-6:00pm
Fri: By Appt
Sat: By Appt
Sun: Closed

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